
08 Years!

  • 2 min read
A little over 8 years ago I ate some bad fish in Mexico and between hallucinations in my hotel bed and standing in front of the air conditioner, an idea was born: 08 Left. 8 years ago I could have never dreamed what 08 Left would become.
Scratch that.
I’ve been in love with airplanes and graphic design for as long as I can remember. 8 years ago in Mexico - that part is true - after some bad fish - also true - I decided to create a site that was filled with the kind of art that I would want in my house to to celebrate my love of airplanes. I figured others might dig it too. I’m a huge dreamer so I actually imagined the company being bigger than Nike within 8 years and, sadly, sales have not quite measured up to Nike. : )
But, what has surprised me, is this community of people. I never knew I would get to meet so many amazing pilots, air traffic controllers, ground crew, flight attendants, executives, and just plane (or plain) aviation geeks! And I hope that doesn’t sound trite, because it’s not meant to be. This company very quickly became about way more than selling art, or clothes, or coasters - although I love that part - as I began to meet people and form connections. It became about just being a part of something that is borderline miraculous and awe-inspiring in so many ways and… you know, I’ve emailed with air traffic controllers in Madrid and talked to pilots in Saudi Arabia and so many people in-between that well… I just love every second of this aviation world that helps me and others see the rest of the world and expand our horizons in so many ways. When we’re willing to let them be stretched, at least. 
So, here it is. 8 years old. And, of course, our 8th anniversary has to be a big one and one I hope is focused not on selling more stuff (I mean that would be nice - don’t get me wrong) but on honoring and meeting the best part of 08 Left - the community.
So, on the 8th of every month at 8:08am PST on our Instagram will be announcing a little contest and some prizes (you should follow us here). The first is this Saturday! The 8th and last one will be on August 8th.
And on every Friday of every week (for the entire year - we hope) we will have an interview with some amazing people in this community on the site - right here on our blog. I went first, but trust me, there are some awesome people in the queue!
In short, if you’re reading this, you’re part of something very cool and I personally appreciate you very much! I also personally appreciate the support you’ve given over the past 8 years! It’s humbling and inspiring. 
So keep flying soaring, flying, seeking, learning, and being you.
It means the world to me and countless others!

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